Strojenie modułów PCIII oraz PCV bez odczytu AF

Wszelkie sprawy związane z eksploatacją, serwisowaniem, silnikiem, elektryką, skrzyniami biegów, przeniesieniem napędu, zawieszeniem, oponami, tuningiem oraz wszelkimi poradami technicznymi...
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Posty: 402
Rejestracja: śr 04 lip, 2007
Quad:: Renia 1000 XXC
Imię: Paweł
Lokalizacja: wawka

Strojenie modułów PCIII oraz PCV bez odczytu AF

Post autor: Paulus71 » śr 04 lis, 2015

Poniżej zamieszczam tekst jak wstępnie napisać mapę do swojego quada na urządzeniach PCIII oraz PCV nie mając możliwości odczytu składu mieszanki.
Oczywiście profesjonalne zrobienie mapy poprzez moduł autotune lub hamownię będzie dużo lepszy. Ta wersja jednak da wam możliwość uniknięcia problemów związanych ze zubożeniem mieszanki poprzez np wymianę wydechu na sportowy.

For those who have snorkels and live in areas of the world that do not have any way of reading your A/F numbers here is a way you can tune your EFI out.

This only works for the Power Commanders. The Optimizers are crap and will not let you tune small areas of your EFI map.

EFIs and carbs tune out very differently but some of the tuning methoods for carbs can be adapted for EFIs. A carb can be tuned by reading your plugs in 3 different areas. Idle, half throttle, and wide open throttle. If you install clean plugs into the motor you can let sit at idle for a couple of minutes, pull the plug out and read the plugs color for a lean or rich A/F condition. You can do this same methood for part and WOT.
EFIs can be rough tuned in using the same methood.
1) Start by installing a clean plug in just the rear cylinder. (There is no need to install a new plug in the front because both cylinders use the same map unless you advance the map)
2) crank the motor and let run for 5 minutes at idle. Read the rear plug.
3) connect to the PC3 with your computer.
4) If the plug looked dark subtract 5 from current map values in the 0%,2%,5%,and 10% throttle positions from 1250rpm to 8000. (most of these RPMS will not be used but to be simple you can edit all the values in these ranges)
5) On average adding or subtracting 5 points from the map will effect your A/F by 1/2 point. So if you was at 13/1 A/F and subtracted 5 you would be at 13.5/1 A/F. During a base tune I would only use multiples of 5 when adding or subtracting. You will nto be able to tell a difference subtracting or adding lower then 5.
6) Plug check your idle again until the plug has a slight tan color.
7) Next do your WOT the same way you did your idle only this time you will only be editing the 100 column on the map. A few long WOT runs should be good enough to get you a reading
8) after the WOT tune is done you can do the other throttle positions by screwing in the throttle stop screw in so that the "%Throttle" field on the PC3 does not go past the throttle position you are tuning.

This is one step closer to fine tuning your EFI.
mods in progress :-)


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